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CEC Approved Solar Retailer

Clean Energy Council Accreditation

The code of conduct is a voluntary scheme for retail businesses selling solar panel systems to households and businesses. It aims to lift the bar higher than the minimum requirements set by government and regulations and bring about a better standard of service within the solar industry. It is also the only solar industry code of conduct authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.  When you buy solar from a Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailer, you can be assured that you are buying a quality product from a company that follows all relevant consumer protection laws and is prepared to back the operation of your solar system for at least five years. The code also has  strict requirements that companies must follow in pre and post sale activities, documentation and general business practices.

What Does CEC Accreditation Mean For You?

The company you’re dealing with has signed on to the Clean Energy Council Solar Retailer Code of Conduct. That means you will receive the following:

    • Assurance that the company has gone through a rigorous process to become an Approved Solar Retailer.
    • A standard minimum warranty period of five years on your whole system.
    • Detailed information on the process between system installation and network connection.
    • Peace of mind that the company will adhere to all existing legislation and regulations, and that its sales representatives will act ethically and not engage in any dishonest or misleading tactics.
    • Many other quality and performance guarantees.

Maximise Your Solar System Capabilities By Using A CEC Approved Solar Retailer

Within Australia, the solar power industry is growing fast. As a result, many more companies are entering the market in order to participate in the increased demand for solar products. Unfortunately, not all of these companies are reputable, and many don’t have sufficient experience in the market and its products. 

If you’re looking to install solar panels in Sydney, the growing market presents an opportunity to get a good deal but it is also filled with potential pitfalls. Consequently, buying a solar system can turn into a nightmare if you make the wrong choice from the many that are available. That can be avoided by obtaining your system from a Clean Energy Council approved solar retailer. Penrith Solar Centre is your choice of solar panel installer in Sydney, with thousands of 5-stars reviews and countless awards from the industry, making us the trusted solar retailer and the leading solar company in Sydney.

The Benefits Of Dealing With Clean Energy Council Accredited Installers

The Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer programme is intended to improve the quality of the solar energy industry. Its accreditation programme is open to those companies that can prove their commitment to meeting the expectations of their customers and to providing quality and safety in all their activities.

As CEC Accredited Solar Installers: We Will

  • conform to all current regulations and legislation
  • be fully responsible for any sub-contractors that we use
  • keep all our customers fully informed about every process from the system installation to connection to the network, generally handling these processes on their behalf
  • supply a warranty, with a minimum of five years, that covers the performance and operation of the complete solar system
  • allow customers to cancel a contract and receive a full refund if there are any changes that are not approved in writing
  • provide a cooling off period so that customers can withdraw from the contract and obtain a full refund if they change their minds
  • respond to customers’ complaints within 21 days and provide a complaints process that is clear and transparent.

The accreditation programme is intended to give customers confidence that they are buying the best products from suppliers that are committed to responsible selling and providing a quality service.

Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailer Gives You Better Buying Experience

At Penrith Solar Centre, we don’t conform to CEC standards just because we’re required to do so. We do it because we genuinely want to provide the best possible service to all our customers. We want our customers to be completely satisfied with the service they receive and the products they buy.

We know that installing solar panels is a worthwhile investment because it saves you money, frees you from dependence on supplies from the grid and helps the environment. But we also know the buying experience can be very stressful, so we want to make it as easy and stress-free as possible. Our certified, trained, professional CEC accredied team also provides you the best industry-standarded commercial solar systems in Sydney.

We’ll help you design the system that’s right for you and will give you the best return at an affordable price. We supply a range of high-quality components so we can put together a system that will exactly meet your needs. And we’ll install it properly and securely, making sure it works correctly and ensuring it provides peak performance for many years.

Get your solar system from a CEC approved installer that really cares and reap the benefits for years to come.

A man in a blue shirt is holding a pole in the air.

The CEC Solar Retailer You Can Trust

We are proud of our accreditation as a CEC (Clean Energy Council) approved solar retailer because clean energy is something close to our hearts. We are very serious about playing our part in driving Australia to net zero by 2050. That means the country won’t send more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than it takes out. It’s one part of the overall strategy for looking after the environment, and any move in that direction has to be a good thing in this day and age.

Environmental campaigners tend to be younger than activists for other causes, and that’s because their generation is about to inherit the planet. We, the current custodians, have a duty to our children to undo some of the damage we have done and avoid doing more. Being a solar approved retailer is a significant achievement, and it’s the area where we can make a difference.

How We Became A CEC Solar Retailer

The accreditation process is a long one involving training, gaining provisional accreditation and completing online assessments to demonstrate that a company has absorbed the information from the training and has a complete understanding of how clean energy works and can help.

Membership of the Clean Energy Council also means we can access their updates and keep abreast of any new developments that can help us do our job even better. In a country such as Australia, where the climate is conducive to using solar energy, we believe it is the best option and our aim is to see solar panels on roofs everywhere, as a kind of badge of responsibility.

And, of course, there are the benefits such as the fact that solar panels are not unattractive, make no noise and give the householder independence and immunity to general power outages. All this and saving money too – what’s not to like?

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