February 19, 2019

Demand for Solar Continues to Soar

In 2018, Australia experienced a record breaking year in terms of households opting for roof top solar. In fact, now almost a quarter (21.6%) of Australian homes have a solar system installed.

Nationwide, that’s approximately 2 million Aussie homes enjoying the benefits of solar power. Figures in 2017 also revealed that solar energy accounted for 3.4% of the country’s electricity.

Industry bodies such as the Clean Energy Council of Australia are pushing the Australian Government to achieve a minimum target for Australia’s energy production – to be 50% renewable energy by the year 2030. Australia certainly has some grand plans for solar.

The above mentioned continued growth and demand for solar power is no surprise considering the numerous benefits it provides. Here are just a few key benefits of having a solar power system at your home or business:

Reduced Electricity Bills

When you generate it, you don’t need to buy it. Those quarterly bills become a thing of the past.

Low Ongoing Maintenance

Teams such as ours here at Penrith Solar Centre are qualified electricians, are accredited with industry bodies such as the Clean Energy Council of Australia and are receive specialised training in all our products from key suppliers like Tesla, Fronius, Sunpower and Q-Cells. When it’s installed correctly by a highly experienced team, little maintenance is needed ongoing.

Government Assistance

As a taxpayer, why not take up assistance offered by the government? With clean energy industry bodies pushing for better policies, it’s highly likely new and improved rebates and policies will be implemented in the future to further assist with the switch to clean energy.

Cash on Tariffs

Any excess energy generated, sell it back to the electricity company for money. Why wouldn’t you?

Reduced Emissions

As our systems are completely enviro-friendly, you’re contributing to making Australia become eco-friendlier. The role you play is extremely important. A great decision to help our environment.

Increased Property Value

Solar power systems are a great way to add to the value of your property. Why not add value where you can to your beloved asset?

Considering Solar? Our highly experienced team are able to help you determine if solar is right for your home or business, as well as guide you through your options and products available on the market. Visit our showroom 7/29 Abel St, Penrith or contact us today on 1800 20 29 30 for more information.

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Penrith Solar Centre

130A Batt Street, Jamisontown NSW 2750
Ph: 1800 20 29 30
E: [email protected]
You’re in safe hands with Australia’s number one rated solar installer.
If you’re interested in learning more about solar, contact us today.